KW 14.16 – Weekly Blockchainers Recap

R3 Introducing Corda  R3 works on their own distributed ledger Systems Corda. The first blockchain test from R3 with 11 banks based on Ethereum and Microsoft technologies. Corda should not become just another blockchain, it should be something different, a distributed ledger between trusted partners. more IBM IBM starts to combine their blockchain activities with watson. I think watson is a realy interesting AI technology. I  have no idea what kind of product will come out of this combination. We have to look on this activity. more Microsoft The Microsoft Ethererum blockchain activities looks pretty serious. Azure can become a standard cloud service for blockchain nodes. OpenBazzar OpenBazzar is new decentralized market place. In the new Silicon Valley econnomy the market places have the control about every transaction. OpenBazzar can break this new empires with a new concept of a decentralized marketplace with bitcoin based transactions.